
Showing posts from December, 2009

Not long to go…..

Christmas Eve, and only just over a week before we head off. Nope, we haven’t even gone yet but I bet everyone is wondering how the planning is going. Aren’t you? Work is now over for me, at least for a while (fantastic send off. Dave Hargreaves trying to order a non-existent pint of pigeon will stay in my memory for a while!). We haven’t planned our route any more than we had before, deliberately. We have discovered that southern Thailand is currently a ‘bad’ place, according to the fco guidelines. This could be difficult, as it isn’t going to be easy travelling overland from Malaysia to Thailand without going through southern Thailand. Ah well, all part of the fun. We now seem to have acquired 10 guidebooks. All very useful, but I’ll need a few more trips to the gym if we are going to carry them all around with us! So we are (or rather, Emma is) reading through them and trying to make notes before we go, so we don’t need to carry them all. I reckon the notes she is taking will we

The First Post

So let’s get this thing kicked off! The plan is that this blog will form a public view on our travels. I apologise in advance for any boredom that sets in while reading it – we’ll do our best to keep it interesting! Under a week before I finish work. Under a month before we head off into the sunrise. The most common question I’m being asked is “Have you planned where you are going yet?”. People seemed surprised that we have planned no more than the initial flight to KL, Malaysia. In true Project Manager style, I know that any plan will fall apart within the first week, and a big reason for going on this trip is to get aware from the norm, so no planning until we get out there. Having said that, we do have a rough list of countries we’d like to visit – Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, India, China plus any others we can arrange visas for when we’re out there! The second most common statement made to me recently is along the lines of people being envious of what we ar