What’s Angkor’s Angkor Wat?
STATS: Day count=192; theft count=0; rip-off count=1; tourist screw-up count=4; Chris’ photo count=1760; Emma’s photo count=70; touch-typing char/min=234 (still still trying!); Poi skills mastered since last post: None Who remembers the ancient arcade game of Frogger? Imagine we are the frog and you’ll get an idea of what it is like crossing the roads in Phnom Penh. Except that here the traffic comes from any direction regardless of where you are on the road. Luckily we are now old hands at this, which means we stride confidently into lethal traffic belying an inward fear and hope of survival. Fiona was luckily spared the one example of road rage that we have encountered on the anarchic roads (one rule: size wins) so far, when our tuk-tuk driver made a rude gesture at another road user who forced him (and therefore us) to go off-road to avoid a head-on collision. She left for home a few days ago. Before leaving, though, she (was) volunteered to add a contribution to the blog, ...