Cockroaches, Motorbikes and a Honey Cocoon
STATS: Day count=213; theft count=0; rip-off count=1; tourist screw-up count=5; Chris’ photo count=1979; Emma’s photo count=90; touch-typing char/min=238 (woo hoo!); Poi skills mastered since last post: None In this digital photographic age with its instant results and zero- or low-cost developing many people (including myself, wrongly) think of themselves as one short step away from a professional photographer. Recording things on camera has become the norm (as our photo count can testify!) and many times I see people arrive at a scene, take a photograph and immediately move on to the next scene, without stopping to appreciate the vista or event in itself. Often I have to stop myself from doing the same. I need to remember that a photograph should be a memory of a place or event, not a memory of taking a photograph. Seeing the world just through a lens can be very restrictive. The sleeper bus to Nha Trang dropped us off in the middle of the city, in the middle of the evening...