Lao Lessons
STATS: Day count=256; theft count=1; rip-off count=1; tourist screw-up count=5.5; Chris’ photo count=2131; Emma’s photo count=110; touch-typing char/min=247; Poi skills mastered since last post: None We’ve been working at the Tat Kouang Si Bear Rescue Centre now for a little over a week, and in true Project Management style it is time for a focus on Lessons Learnt: Valuable Lesson #1: Don’t leave your iPod lying around The very observant amongst you may have noticed a dramatic increase (from 0 to 1) in the ‘theft count’ statistic in this post. The guest house we are staying in is great – clean room, friendly staff, balcony overlooking a river, TV, fridge etc. Even the fact that it sits under the flight path for the local airport which is only a few km away is not a problem since, as with everything else in Laos, planes are infrequent and basic and sitting only a few tens of feet below a landing propeller plane is quite interesting, if somewhat noisy. Unfortunately however, I h...