We’ve arrived!

We made it to Kuala Lumpur. Not only that, but our luggage has made it too! Bonus.

It’s hot here. Left England in the snow and arrived to 31degs C IMG_0252temperatures. Mind you, the 15hours flying killed most of our senses, so we are only just acclimatising. Slept lots, done very little so far except wander around the area and try to work out what is vegetarian and what isn’t. In general, I think if it is still moving when you ask for it, it isn’t vegetarian. They sell roast chestnuts on the street corners - it’s like being in London. Except it’s 31 degrees in January.

More interesting stuff when we actually do something….


  1. Hi lil bro... glad you both arrived safely. Still freezing here and according do Daniel he had about 7 inches of snow last night. No work for me since the xmas holiday as the school boiler has blown up!!!! Everyone here is ok. Keep the posts coming. Luv to you both.. Big Sis x


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